Full List of Subjects in the New O Level Syllabus (Competency Based Curriculum)

All learners joining senior 1 starting with 2020 will study under a new syllabus which according to NCDC is a Competency Based Curriculum. This curriculum is aimed at preparing learners for work and life in the 21st century. As a result, there were several changes that were made confirming a drift away from the old curriculum. Subjects like History and Political Education were merged while Kiswahili and Physical Education were made compulsory for S.1 and S.2.

Full list of subjects

Compulsory subjects at S.1 and S.2

The subjects listed below will be compulsory at in the first 2 years of the lower secondary school syllabus.

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • English Language
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Geography
  • History and Political Education
  • Kiswahili
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Religious Education [CRE or IRE]

Electives at S.1 and S.2

Schools will choose among these groups which subjects to take on

Compulsory subjects at S.3 and S.4

In S.3 and S.4, all learners will have to do the following compulsory subjects.

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • English Language
  • Geography
  • History and Political Education
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Electives for S.3 & S.4

At S.3, learners will have to choose from the following groupings.



What is Blended Learning?

The need to digitise the teaching and learning experience has been around for decades. In fact it has been reality for some time and has